Highlights of 2023: Collaboration, creativity and client’s success stories!

Highlights of 2023 - Accountants

It’s fair to say 2023 has flown by. And as the year comes to a close, we’ve been reflecting on the marketing journeys we’ve been on with many ambitious, kind and inspiring accountants and bookkeepers. The world of marketing continues to change and evolve and yet one thing always remains consistent: the support you give and the care you show your clients.

Let’s take a look at just some of the marketing wins we’ve enjoyed with our clients this year!


51 clients who reached reached at least one marketing goal

Your accounting firm is your business and you deserve for it to serve a purpose in your life: to help you achieve your life goals. You’ll have started your firm for a reason and every day you show up to work, that reason is what keeps you going. How do you know you’ve reached success? You set business goals. It’s the same for marketing. For your marketing to deliver the results you want, you need to know what you’re aiming for. We do the same with our clients so we can check back and be sure that the goals they set out to achieve are being met. This victory is theirs, not ours. We just get to be part of the story.


13 brand transformations for ambitious accountants

As the leader of your accounting firm, you are responsible for your brand. Your brand is the promise you make to clients of the experience they’ll have when they work with your firm. The right brand makes everything in your firm easier. Here’s just a few of the brand transformations we’ve worked on with our clients this year. Accountants who recognised that something in their firm just wasn’t lining up for them. It starts with having a brand that truly reflects you and the experience your clients have with your firm.

Accountants Brands transformations


11 new websites built to help accountants share their message with the right audience

Your website is your marketing hub. It sits at the centre of who you are and it belongs only to you. It gives you the opportunity to create the journey you want your ideal client to move through on your website. You want your website to sound like you, not like every other accountant. Gillian and the team at DNA Accountants wanted this for themselves too. They wanted to show their value, guide their prospects and send the right message to the right audience for them.

Websites for accountants

We are pf


19 Accelerator graduates now feel empowered to take action in their marketing

As an accountant and business owner, you’re likely doing some marketing. It’s probably reactive, not proactive and it’s the first thing to stop every time you get busy. This was one of the reasons why accountants join our Accelerator coaching group each year. To get accountability, structure and focus in your marketing so you can build campaigns faster and be consistent across each one.

If you’d love to be an Accelerator graduate in 2024, spaces for our February 2024 intake are now open! You can either sign up directly here, or book a call with Stuart to chat through whether Accelerator is the best place for you.


7 events where we got together with our clients

It’s always a joy to get to spend time in person with our creative and collaborative clients! One of the highlights was our Lab Live event in London with a focus on how to use the power of storytelling in your marketing. Deeper Weekend was another great opportunity for us to meet and spend time with lots of our US clients and connections. And then of course, we had successfully launched The Accountant Marketer in London in October (more on that later!). We’ve started plans for our 2024 in-person workshops so more details to come on those soon!

Events for accountants


29 free marketing resources created to help accountants build confidence to do marketing themselves

Give away information. Charge for implementation. Creating content marketing means giving actual, real help to people in lots of different formats – videos, blogs, guides, templates. By giving away this content for free, you’re helping your audience to see how it’s possible that you’ll be able to help them with their individual circumstances. You’re giving away information which is broadly helpful to your audience. The kind of information that people could find elsewhere if they looked really hard or spent ages doing the research. Then when they need specific help for their business, that’s when you charge your fee. And the best bit is you’ve already shown your value and your expertise and they come more ready to buy and more educated on you and your firm and the work you do. It’s a win, win!

Here’s where you can sign up to enjoy our free marketing resources!

Free Marketing Resources for Accountants & Bookkeepers


3 new team members joined to improve our client experience

This was a year of firsts for our creative team! At the start of the year, Mel joined us as our first in-house web developer and has already transformed our website build process so our clients have more visibility and control, and we deliver high performing websites. Next up, Vitor started as our first Marketing Assistant. He helps more ambitious accountants and bookkeepers get to know PF, build genuine relationships and unleash their creativity! Last but not least, Stuart joined us as Head of Sales and Client Growth. He is passionate about connecting with people and he thrives on listening to accountants and helping them to find solutions to the challenges they face. Here’s where you can get to know each of our newbies:

Mel - We are PFVitor - We are PFStuart - We are PF







66 Instagram Reels helped you get to know our team

Recording videos for your accounting firm can feel a difficult (and sometimes, impossible) task. You started an accounting firm, not a videography business after all. You do recognise that video is an extremely powerful way for your clients and your prospects to get to know you, faster. Building connections with people sits at the heart of your firm. And those people want to see you: it’s how they build trust. Video helps people to feel like you’re having a conversation with them, before they’ve even got in touch with you. Instagram reels are a great place for you to practice your video marketing! They’re short and they don’t have to be super polished like the videos on your website might be. Practicing is the ONLY way to get better at video and reels are a great place to start!

Here’s where you can check out the reels we’ve been posting this year!


“Everything I learned in twenty years of helping accountants with marketing has formed the core content of this book” – Karen Reyburn, author of The Accountant Marketer. This book is for every accountant who knows they need to be “doing marketing” but isn’t sure where or how to start. It will help you to do work you enjoy, get paid for your worth AND work with clients you love.

You can buy your copy here, or wherever you usually buy your books from!

The Accountant Marketer Book

So there you have it! A round up of 2023. We’re grateful for each and every accountant and bookkeeper who partners with us to deliver great marketing. Here’s to another year of trying new things, sharing stories and leaning into your creativity!

To start your journey of creating impactful marketing for your accounting firm, fill out our Discovery form or book a 30 minute call with Stuart!