When you understand the structure of marketing, you build momentum, and move forward in the right direction. Learn what your role in marketing is as an accountant, and get group coaching & learning as well as one to one support & feedback from the PF team.
This one to one workshop is the natural next step after Accelerator. Working together with your own dedicated Client Marketing Manager, dig deep into who your firm is, who you serve, and what you need to focus on in marketing to get the clients you love.
Your brand is more than your logo. It represents everything about who you are as a firm. Your brand does the hard work for you, bringing in the clients you love and speeding up the sales process. Make sure your brand reflects exactly and fully who you are, so there are no surprises.
Your best website is the most truthful and efficient reflection of your firm and the journey your clients will take. It makes the clients best for your firm take action faster, and those who aren’t a fit qualify themselves out. It’s not pretty images and standard pages: it’s the summary of you.
Now that you’re clear on and involved in your marketing, it’s time to get monthly support from PF so high quality, created-for-you marketing is happening all the time, regardless of how busy you are. You get a dedicated Client Marketing Manager and the support of the entire PF creative team.
When you’ve consistently delivered high quality content marketing for 18-24 months, it’s time to talk about stepping up to high level lead generation: ads, research, deep dive training, marketing therapy, coaching, and more.
Learn from our creative team in the 12 week Accelerator coaching. Choose from group or one to one intensive sessions which are delivered by our Founder and different members of the PF team, with one to one support and feedback.