Saint and Co homepage

Saint and Co.

  As a firm that is over 100 years old, Saint and Co. were ready for next level marketing. They had everything a great firm needs: A long-standing reputation, a presence in several niche areas, and highly qualified staff. But unfortunately, their marketing wasn’t reflecting this. They had a website which had been refreshed recently,


As a firm that is over 100 years old, Saint and Co. were ready for next level marketing. They had everything a great firm needs: A long-standing reputation, a presence in several niche areas, and highly qualified staff.

But unfortunately, their marketing wasn’t reflecting this.

They had a website which had been refreshed recently, but they felt it still looked like a typical accountancy site, without the unique elements that only Saint and Co. could bring. They’d also recently done a rebrand and had a fresh logo, so they felt like they were at a crossroads with their marketing.

So, we took them on a journey, and here’s how they went from a simple website review to “full steam ahead” outsourced marketing:

Website & SEO review

We carried out a full review of their website, helping them understand where the website was (and wasn’t) working in terms of engagement, data capture and lead generation.

What we discovered in the process was that elements of their site were looking too generic, especially with their calls-to-action and use of stock imagery. It was also evident that the customer journey across the site was far too complicated. So, to fix the issue, they decided to go with a…

Content marketing strategy & plan

We had a deep dive into their firm and their focus, including the target market and the issues of their audience.

Over the course of the 2 hour strategy session it was clear that Saint had big ambitions for additional branches, offices, staff and more, and we worked to craft a content plan that addressed all of these areas. The end result was a 12-month plan that encompassed website changes, blogs, events and lead generation.

But that was just the first step. Now it was time for implementation of the actions from the plan with…

Outsourced marketing credits

Saint decided to start with 14 credits every month to get their marketing actioned.

The results have been incredible, with new landing pages, blogs, downloads, magazines, banners and calls-to-action that are all geared towards their firm, their target audience and their goals. They have run events, published magazines and newsletters, enhanced their cloud accounting offering, and been supported throughout by an outsourced marketing team at their beck and call.

Best of all, the more we got to know the team and marketing for Saint and Co, the faster we were able to respond to even the most urgent marketing opportunities.

The results

They now have a site that preaches directly to their visitors, with content that they want to see.

Best of all, they’ve gone on record and told us that “After 130 years, Saint are finally doing marketing well!” and we’re continuing to work with them every month, with a site that is continuously changing exactly as it should be!

Saint and Co pages

Peruse the Saint & Co website for yourself!