Building a new website is exciting, and feels like quite a big deal! We’ll take you through every step of the process so you feel comfortable with what happens when (and why).

A custom website build feels like quite a daunting process. We’ve built hundreds of sites, and want you to feel confident in what’s happening when – and why.
Yes, we need your input all the way through: but our goal is to gather the best of what you know, what you want to express, and who you are – and pull that together on your behalf, saving you time. You will be asked for your thoughts, ideas, perspectives, input. We will write the copy, choose the images (or design them), design the pages, and at every stage give our suggestions as to what will be the most effective for your firm and the target clients you want.
You will have the final say on everything. Some of our clients want to go back and forth with specific ideas, and others see the draft and say “oh wow that looks great yes go ahead”. We may challenge you at times, but it will only be because something you’re asking for isn’t best website practice or won’t help you get clients you love. Our heart’s desire is for your site to impress the right kind of people (and send away the wrong ones).
One of the things to make your new site stand out is custom photography or imagery, and it’s best to sort this out ahead of time.
We will source suggested stock imagery for your new site – and we’ll customise it to fit your brand – but if you want us to uniquely create or design graphics, illustrations, or images, talk to us about that straight away.

If you have an email system already, let us know what system it is, and we’ll find out how it can be integrated with your new site.
If you don’t have one, the simplest answer is to use Mailchimp. It’s not a CRM system, but it will help you send nice looking emails to targeted lists of people, and you can always sort out a full scale CRM later.
You have two options:
1. You can set it up yourself
2. We can save you hours of moving little blocks around and trying to get colours right and do it all for you.

As part of your project we will write profiles or bios for you and your team members. To help us draft this wording, we’ve prepared a questionnaire which each team member (including you!) needs to fill in.
You can send this same link to all your team members – and anyone you want included on your Team page.
There are a few personal questions which are entirely optional, but we recommend that they answer at least a few of these.
You can assure your team that they will have the chance to review their own profile once these have been written.

Real, human video is one of the best ways to connect with your website visitors – so they feel like they know you before they even get in touch!
Start now to think about:
- What videos have you recorded?
- What video will you record?
- How will you involve your team?
- Will you use a professional videographer, or buy the equipment and do it yourself?
We can help by designing custom video intro/outro files for you, or even directing you to a great videographer in your region. Let us know.
Telling people what you do and how awesome you are is a start….but letting your clients say it is even better.
To help us build case studies & testimonials into your website, we need information from you.
If you’ve got some already, here’s a quick check about how useful they will be:
- Do you have at least three that are very recent (within the last few months)?
- Does the story focus on the client as the hero? (rather than on how amazing YOU are)
- Do you have any case studies on video?
If the answer is no to any of these, we need to get going! Talk to us in our next session about this.